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The Blacked Out Chronicle

  • Writer's pictureMar Qaroll

Oh, NaNo...

NaNoWriMo shield

'Lo, ev'ryone. If you haven't heard, National Novel Writing Month, the organization, is...losing supporters. Fast. And for good reason. I'm too weary of the whole thing, and too disheartened, to talk about it myself, but here's a decent explanation by people much more invested in the whole thing than I am...and far more eloquent.

What does this mean for me? It means I won't be using NaNoWriMo's site anymore, that's what it means. Yep. As of this moment, I am having a severe internal struggle over whether I should just hide my account from all eyes or simply, you know. Delete my account entirely.

I have a...soft spot for NaNoWriMo. Without this program, I never would have finished my first novel in 2017, Inhuman, a story that still means so much to me. A story I am constantly trying to improve before I put it out as a published book. However. Considering the nature of this incident, I find it wisest to distance myself from it. Because, let's be serious.

A load of bull they did in handling this, eh? Just...wretched. Wince-worthy. Nothing is going to make this better because they're fucking up in the very attempt to do so. It's just...a mess.

So. Much as I loved NaNo and thank it for what it helped me isn't what I thought it was. I never did ascribe to the whole "DEI" bullshit that's been going on for some time now online and elsewhere. It just pisses me off. Someone who is guilty of something shady or are just plain disingenuous act like DEI is suddenly important and feel the need to wave the ally flag. It pisses me off to high heaven.

I digress.

Despite all of that...I never once thought NaNo as an organization was that shady. I don't think most of us did, if any of us at all. It's just a real fucking shame and the more I think about it the wearier I become.

There's a reason why I'm so up-front about who I am and my beliefs...

Ah, well.

At least I found young sites like Pen Pinery and Rogue Writers.


So, goodbye, NaNoWriMo. Thanks for the memories. The three covers are stories finished thanks to NaNoWriMo.

Three of the four stories I ever finished in my life...

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About Mar

Mar Qaroll is an adult storyteller and worldbuilder of diverse worlds and daring stories, the creator of Paneidoverse, and the founder of Candelabræm.

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