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The Blacked Out Chronicle

  • Writer's pictureMar Qaroll

Goddammit, Ream, back to Inkitt

If you don't know, Ream Stories, the place I originally chose as my "home" for my original stories, is...not the place I hoped it would be. I really mean it when I say I had high hopes for it. I was completely willing to wait to see it blossom into a site to post my stories under a subscription-based model and the like as a replacement for Patreon. Then it pulled a stupid and made it that AI writing is allowed on the site and is just…not what I thought they were. Bad enough it's taking a while for them to dish out new updates, but…


I decided to head back over to Inkitt, a place I had abandoned but have found is…much, much better than I thought it was?? Perhaps it was too long ago to really get a feel of it, but it's fantastic now and is pretty much everything I wanted from Ream. I'm not entirely abandoning Ream, but I am only keeping Inhuman up there for now.

Unfortunate, but I gotta do what I gotta do.

I apologize that my nine followers will to have to follow me elsewhere (if you want to), but that's just what it's like to be an artist online today; constantly moving around to find the right "home". One day, this site here will be the place to read my work and whatnot, but…that won't be happening anytime soon, I'm afraid.

Also, I finally got even more finances taken care of, so next month I should be able to have my domain back.

In the meantime, here's what my Inkitt's looking like as far as stories go for now.

Stories on Mar's Inkitt

One anthology, one novella, one novel, and one excerpt. Sounds good so far! And I'm considering a few extra stuff too, once I figure out how to make it work. All my tiers are ready to go, too, even though they aren't all public. Yet.

Here's what I see.

Complete tiers of Mar's inkitt

Here's what you see.

Tiers of Mar's inkitt

So, there's a lot of stuff I have planned. Fortunately, or unfortunately, I don't have anyone interested in my stuff yet, so I can kinda…fuck around until I have some semblance of a following, I guess…

I was originally planning on uploading a shitton of excerpts. I might not, though. We'll see. Again, I'm honestly just fucking around at the moment, flailing about. Got no idea what the hell I'm doing.

Also, I have to redesign ALL of the images for my tiers. Whee.


In other news, Halloween is around the corner! I don't have anything speical planned, but maybe CharacterHub will give me some ideas? I really need to go back there…hang out.

That's about it for now. I'd like to say that updates should come more frequently, but I give up on that optimistic shit. Just…We'll see.

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About Mar

Mar Qaroll is an adult storyteller and worldbuilder of diverse worlds and daring stories, the creator of Paneidoverse, and the founder of Candelabræm.

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