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Mar is hard at work with the Human Shed Skin series, attempts at social media, and life. When his books are published, they will be listed here! In the meantime, why don't you check out his WIPs?

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FS: Inhuman

1st book of the Human Shed Skin subseries

During an emergency response to a demonic attack, inhuman hunter Jean-Luc Lowell nearly loses his life, only to be saved by a  tentacle emerging from his best friend and lover, Celezar.


While dealing with this revelation, he learns the demon attack was the first of many caused by creatures far more powerful than anything humankind has dealt with in millennia.


With Celezar stubbornly remaining in his life, Jean will relearn the definition of "monster" while dealing with the new threat.

Progress: Compete

125k / 100k / 104%

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   Works in Progress   

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2nd book of the Human Shed Skin subseries

Five years after the new millennium, Jean is still an inhuman hunter but with the added weight of being an inhuman himself. He lives a dual life with his family and hunters on Isle Veni and his small half-human family made with Celezar.


Two major events may once again change his life as an inhuman hunter: another surge of inhuman activity has started, and, worse than that, his family reunion is coming up. All the while, he learns of terrible truths that may be the catalyst he needs to break away from Lowell tradition.


He will learn who the real monsters are—those who dare to show what they are or those who hide behind the guise of saints

Progress: Draft 4

22,238  / 100,000 / 22%

WIP: Human

1st volume of the Echoes of the Little Gods subseries

The Raven is a young soldier eager to serve his empress, dynasty, and people. He knows nothing about the secrets he will face and uncover in the future. The Snake is a dangerous enigma unquestioningly serving his mastermind leader for over 200 years. He knows everything about the secrets the world will soon face. The Scarecrow is a cruel millennia-old warrior who desires her family's safety above all else despite being the one who causes them the most pain. She is one of the secrets of her world.


The new year heralds a bloody new war as the realm's true history reveals itself over the impending series of battles, inevitably creating a cacophony that will reach even the gods...

Progress: Draft 19

    34,593 / 150,000 / 23%

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