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The Blacked Out Chronicle

  • Writer's pictureMar Qaroll

April '24 Ream Stories schedule

'Lo, ev'ryone. I am still working on...or trying to work on...the April Writing Challenge...but I'm not talking about that at the moment!

It is finally here: The April 2024 schedule exclusively for my Ream!

Mar's April 2024 Ream Stories schedule
Click to make it bigger!

Feel free to download it, too!

Now, I've already uploaded the bonus HUSHS one-shot. It's a very short one but I had fun writing it. It's probably less than 800 words. Regardless, that's what the Human Shed Skin Bonus Content is for...

I also have a decent image to explain the current (and current future) tiers on my Ream.

Mar's current Ream Stories tiers
Click to make it bigger!

One more benefit may come after the ????s. I'm not entirely certain what it'll be, either...but I do have an idea. Hopefully, it'll be appreciated.

That's pretty much it. I just wanted ev'ryone to know I am indeed workin' my ass off, even if the AWC isn't going so well...

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About Mar

Mar Qaroll is an adult storyteller and worldbuilder of diverse worlds and daring stories, the creator of Paneidoverse, and the founder of Candelabræm.

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