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The Blacked Out Chronicle

  • Writer's pictureMar Qaroll

Story intentions: July '24

Updated: Jul 18

AI-generated hands typing at a keyboard.

'Lo, ev'ryone! July has already started! Not good for me, not good for anyone...So here's what I have planned for July only.


Since I didn't finish any of the stories I planned to work on/start/finish these past three months, I'm considering just...taking July as a month to organize what, exactly, I want to work on in August and September.

As of my typing this, for example, I am still dabbling in Human and God Noise. Not exactly with the intention to "finish" them, but...I just want to work on them in a way that shows progress is being made. So far, I don't have any proof of that.

I will not, however, be working on my own "July Camp NaNoWriMo" like I did during April. That went up in smoke anyway, and I feel as though my mind is trying to recover from...something...


I've remade my tier list for Ream. It doesn't mean anything yet, as I won't be uploading anything new to Ream for a while. If things go as they have, I may not even upload anything until next year. This is a horrendous thought, considering I hope to soft-launch Candelabræm Books next year.

Speaking of which...

Candelabræm Books preparations

I tried to put Candelabræm Books on GoFundMe but that went nowhere. Apparently, adult content, even in mention, is not allowed there. Thus, I am forced to hope and pray there are enough people interested in Candelabræm to make $20k within a month via Kickstarter. Which...I don't think will happen, at all.


That's about it...


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About Mar

Mar Qaroll is an adult storyteller and worldbuilder of diverse worlds and daring stories, the creator of Paneidoverse, and the founder of Candelabræm.

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